Sometimes I get a little caught in myself.
Honestly, my path in life is a little bit cloudy to me at this moment. Its the watched pot I keep staring at with a stalker's intensity and so of course the sucker isn't boiling yet. So I wait. And while waiting I hold on to what I do believe which are some pretty simple premises.
- If you can do something to make someone's life easier do it. Especially if it doesn't hurt you.
- Examples:
- Smile at a stranger
- Pick up a paper towel on a public bathroom floor. Seriously. They're almost always clean as they are physical evidence of someone washing their hands. And if you're that afraid of the germs you can use another paper towel to pick it up once you've washed yours. A custodian isn't a maid. They get long days too.
- Send your friend a letter, its kind of fun and who doesn't like getting mail? Real mail is fantastic. Its like manna from Heaven in the midst of a dozen credit card offers.
- Don't purposely make someone's life harder
- This one shouldn't need examples. Don't be a douche. And if you hold grudges like I doesn't matter, that has nothing to do with it. If they're good people they probably already feel bad for whatever hurt you. If they suck, nothing you do is going to fix how much they suck.
- Try to do things that make yourself happy.
- Do what you have to do of course, dishes and whatnot, but spend your extra time on something important to you. Here's what I've got so far:
- Fabric Art
- Books. Many many books. Do you realize how amazing the library really is?
- Online games with my loved ones, kind of fun how you can connect through wizardry.
- Finding my courage for adventure one outing at a time.
- Looking for more things that make me happy
- God put you here to learn, and to be happy. Do him proud and work on those. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone, you're good to go.
- Find the beauty in things.
to understand a different view. That sounds hokey but its what I do especially when I meet a person
who is so vile you can't understand how they have gotten through life this long. "You are horribly
evil, but what a nice manicure."
Understandably its kind of hard for encounters with certain people/circumstances/whatnot but think
of the process as re-training your brain. It expands your horizons. Or just know it makes you into a
total detective which may someday have its merits elsewhere in getting you props. Maybe someday
there will be a party game you totally win because of this observation thing.
Plus side it also encourages you to keep your mouth shut long enough to look for something and
someday might save you from being terribly stupid.
- Acknowledge beauty. Especially to others.
Life is kind of a pain in the ass sometimes. I don't think its intentional but you know those days
when God and the entire universe are on a mission to teach you patience, and so sends you every
horribly inconsiderate person that ever existed in one day?
Those days happen and they suck.
Amazingly enough they happen to EVERY SINGLE PERSON. Every last one. Even babies have
those days when pacifiers taste like floor.
So when you see someone do something good, kind, considerate, showing their talent, looking nice,
tell them so. Maybe just thank them for being in a good mood. I don't know about you but I
remember those things and hold onto them as desperately as life preserver until things start getting
better again.
Oh and remind people that you love them (only those you do of course). It doesn't have to be
words, but people like reminders.
- Laugh. Often. And Sing.
- It makes you happy. It makes God happy because you're happy. Win-Win.
- Make your word mean something.
- If you say you're going to do something, do it. Otherwise don't agree to it. Really now, most people would rather know right away instead of waiting and then you flake out.
- When you say something, choose your words carefully. Don't scatter them about so they lose their meaning, or wind up being misconstrued.
- This last one I'm honestly still working on. Geez its tough work.
I want to see the good I've done and how it affects others. I want to mean something. Be something. How self centered is that? I don't do anything with the intention of the action earning me points but on the other hand am so desperately seeking my path I want to see that at least I've mattered in this life somewhere.
Have you heard of the ripple effect? A butterfly flaps its wings and somewhere a tree falls down or someone gets a new car or something? You do something and it affects a dozen other people because of it? I love that idea. We matter to each other regardless of it being recognized. You matter to me. I don't know why, but thank you. Its a really fantastic idea.
So to remind myself to get over it, I'm watching The Five People You Meet In Heaven (based off a book btw). If any movie can pull at your heart, this definitely does. Its all about a man who doesn't know how incredible his life has been until after he dies. All the little things he's done to do the right thing, to be respectful to his parents/brother/co-workers, to be good to his wife, the little things he did to make kids smile at the amusement park where he worked, they led to some pretty incredible results. But even after he sees the results, he doesn't think they were necessarily anything special, but he mattered to a lot of people. Many of the little things were really huge things. His life without meaning had purpose every time.
How beautiful that is!