In my life I have been blessed.
Honestly, some seriously trying times have occurred but nothing I wasn't strong enough to handle with a bit, and sometimes a ton of help. Those times have frustrated and strengthened me. Quite often they've tested my limits to extremes but really, every life on the planet has had those. I can look into your eyes and hiding behind them is your set of hurdles. I dwell on mine every so often and then keep moving.
Progression has occurred.
This day is light years farther than ten years ago and again, what a blessing. It is time to set another fire me thinks. Metaphorically anyway. Realistic fires I tend to burn myself on especially during baking. That love that goes into cookies as the special ingredient? Every so often might also involve some hidden curse words.
You know what I got asked this week?
"Deanna, do you think you're average?" My answer? "I've never been average."
I haven't. Never will be.
I think I forgot that.
I'm kind of amazing. Not perfect. But I'm passionate. I steer towards honesty, persistence, kindness and love. I'm the gal you come to for answers, support, projects, creativity. I collect knowledge like a kid would collect coins for their piggy bank storing it up for a rainy day or a really great opportunity or just something really fun. I have great common sense. I'm a bit nerdy and a lot fabulous. I sparkle!
You know one of the saddest things I hear on a day to day basis? "You don't get a job and expect to be happy." Why not? Do you really think God put you on this earth to suffer? My parents raised my brother and myself to do something that makes you happy because you're going to spend an awful lot of time doing it. I've met people who are ecstatic to be homemakers, retail clerks, real estate developers, beer makers, even insurance agents. They don't settle for it. It speaks to them. Yes, you need to do what you must but why do you have to stay there? Let someone else find their happiness doing that something while you go find your own. I want to find my happiness.
I've been happy at jobs. I've gone into work 5 days a week when only one was required just because it was fun. I've felt my heart sing. And to be an adult doesn't mean giving that up. I think it kind of makes it that much more important. When you're an adult you're given the greater opportunity to put your heart in motion.
I want to be in love with my life. I will be. Right now this is a great crush waiting to turn into an epic love affair.