This year started out with a couple of huge bombs in my life. I utilized whimpering, whining, anger, anxiety, depression, pick a sad word and there it was.
It has been a lot to handle.
I'm a naturally happy soul. Like a boomerang that always comes back to where it starts. But being that way is equally hard and easy.
Every circumstance that gets thrown my way and feels like a wrecking ball to the gut takes some rebounding.
Here's my process:
- Get hit. Ouch.
- Let it out. For me that could involve screaming, crying, punching a pillow, going for a really long drive with no destination in mind.
- Optional: Take a day or two to avoid it. No more than that. This won't make it go away but sometimes I just need to catch my bearings.
- Decide how much of this is controllable.
- Start planning on my life's "route adjustment." What now? What happens next? What can I do and what do I need to remind myself (usually incessantly) to let go and let God?
- Keep moving. And pray. Keep praying.
Most of the things that effect us the most, we have the least control over.
- the hands of God.
- Life and the hands of God.
- The actions of their hands.
- Bad drivers....up to ineptitude of drivers and God willing their ability to change.
- Natural disasters....God again.
-'d be nice not to have bills or things break. Half God, half budgeting for things you don't know about.
- your best. Its only partially up to you and partially up to the goodwill of your bosses. And you can't control your boss.
Its a choice. To let life break you, or teach you to fly. Its a chance to re-evaluate your priorities and find a path that is worth spending your time on.
I'm choosing to be happy right now.
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