We make choices. Things get lost or found by the wayside. You spend a little more time at work, you lose time with the one you love; spend a little less time at work, miss out on that promotion you really deserve.
Its really easy to try to do everything. I don't know about anyone else, but me...I want to be everything. The best friend, daughter, sister, worker, volunteer, what have you. Whatever you can think of, I want to accomplish it. If I kept to the plan I'd wind up president of everything and loving confidant to the world. But gee its tiring. And it doesn't work out.
The last say 3 months, I've spent the majority of time working to keep an apartment I never see. 2 years at canyon ranch building a career that was gone in the space of 20 minutes at the expense of my personal life. 5 years in college for a degree that I love but don't actually use. The experiences are useful. They teach. They exemplify exactly why balance is necessary. It gives us peace. A chance to find the beauty of a life to enjoy.
I see people around me who go through their own journeys and its amazing how similar we all are in a place trying to find direction. We look to each other, to things, places, ideas. You lose sight of what is really important in the chase of the magical carrot on the stick. If I get through this...then everything will fall into place. I'm definitely one of these people. I'm learning. How to let go. When to be ok with just being myself. How to create my life.
There's this quote I love...

This is what I think life is supposed to be:
An exploration. An opportunity to chase wonders and excitement, to find ourselves and the ones who will bring our world to another height. A balancing act between accomplishment of the workplace and creating a life for ourselves. A place where we have a brilliant opportunity to create a world that we love. Life is supposed to be a beautiful journey.
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